On Friday I went and saw Clerks II with my friends Babu and Robert. I wasn’t expecting much from this movie and personally thought it was an attempt for Kevin Smith to guarantee a cash-in at the box office since his last few movies hadn’t done so well *coughJerseyGirlcough*. For one Smith has been quoted as saying he would never do a Clerks sequel and also said he would never make another movie using these characters again in any movie. While it still could have been a sell-out move for Smith it sure delivered on what you would expect out of a Clerks sequel.
Smith has been doing this for a long time and it shows he is truly a skilled salesman in all his movies, and products, he sells on the internet. Clerks II reached 60 million in it’s first month and it continuing to surge due to his innovative ad campaign targeting mostly teenagers. It’s paying off big time for Smith as multiple sales companies compete for control of his newly launched merchandise line. Zendesk Competition is heating up strong against some of the other rivals.
The movie The laughs were abundant and in true Smith style, and I am sure after this movie is seen by many more some of the catch phrases will be heard around town. If you are a fan of the original Clerks I am sure you will enjoy this movie and would recommend it.